A Solo Exhibition of Work by Rebecca Riess 2024, at The Art Station
‘The Plaything… it’s mind reprised, memory categorised and analysed. Cycles have been revised, old stories now despised.’
Riess is interested in the psychological effects of circumstance. This new body of work is drawn from Riess’s personal experience, and references feminism, retrospection, and body politics. For Riess, narrative is at the root of her process, and through making work, her story is played out as part truth, part fiction.
Her practice includes stitching, drawing, painting, and sculpture, exploring feminist and socio-political concerns and critiques. Her approach to materials is like that of a magpie; she collects discarded threads, scraps of glue, fabric, sticks, and plastic, each carrying their own particular social and sensory weight and whilst speaking the language of the everyday. Combined, their narrative is obscured, non-linear, and playful.
‘Her mind reprised, categorised, despised and analysed. She sighed as the cycle was revised, alive for her to emphasise and now for you to visualise.’- R Riess.